About Sugar Foot Outdoors
Your premier destination shop for Exotic & Vintage Military Ammo or Components, Ww2 Memorabilia, Outdoor Gear For All Adventures, Pyrotechnic Supplies For Professionals - Amatures & Hobby Clubs, Fishing, Camping, Hunting, Western Horse Gear, Leather Goods & Supplies, Recurve Archery Equipment, Survival Needs, Antiques of all kinds from the 18th &19th centuries, Knives & cutlery, and little bit of this and that!!!
![Screenshot Firework](https://sugarfootoutdoors.com/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/Firework-qxgdg29ha9hlq4nlasp2i42weynchuos0y03sj05v4.jpg)
Our Mission
We provide top-quality outdoor gear for all types of adventures, ensuring you’re fully equipped for any journey. Explore our selection of unique and hard-to-find items, including rare collectibles and oddities. Additionally, we offer a complete range of pyrotechnic supplies for both amateurs and professionals.
Our family born into the world of target shooting , Hunting and fishing ,From a long family of national champion small bore target shooters. This heritage has honed our skills in rare obsolete ammunition, shooting ethics along with many outdoor sports allowing us to offer you exceptional items.
With over 30 years of experience in pyrotechnic chemistry, physics, and engineering, we bring a wealth of knowledge to our offerings.
Vintage Military Items
As a longtime historical collector, we specialize in vintage wartime memorabilia, including live ammunition & components, personal possessions, and gear. our collections also includes items from both the USA and foreign sources.
Spending time with our three grandparents, all of whom served in WWII, instilled a deep love for history and collecting from a young age. This passion enables us to offer expertise across a wide range of areas.
![Screenshot Screenshot](https://sugarfootoutdoors.com/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/WW2-Boat-qxgem3lo9rovk7vayo8nss0ig93yyf8voxfn7iufs6.jpg)
![WW2 Items WW2 Items](https://sugarfootoutdoors.com/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/WW2-Items-qxgekffzo58nwzuxkzeggw0ie3mk7p75euwi9evfh2.jpg)